If You Work With Teen Girls or Have A Teenage Daughter… Read This Note About Teen Dating Violence

By Cassandra Mack The other day I conducted a smart dating and relationship choices workshop for a group of high school girls. Of course the topic of Chris Brown and Rhyiana came up. To find out what their thoughts were on this issue, I posed the question: If you were Rhyiana would you take Chris Brown back? About 40% of the students said no. But, more than half said yes, they would take him back … if he was really sorry and promised never to do it again. So I asked: What would indicate to you that he was really … Continue reading If You Work With Teen Girls or Have A Teenage Daughter… Read This Note About Teen Dating Violence

You Matter

By Cassandra Mack I believe that none of us fully knows how many lives we touch in everyday seemingly insignificant ways. And how many people are better off as a result of knowing us. Think of the small, random acts of kindness. Think of a compliment that you gave to a stranger or a word of encouragement you gave to someone on the job. Think of a friend or family member you helped out in a pinch or a neighbor or coworker you sent a card or email to just because. Sometimes when life gets a little hard and we’re … Continue reading You Matter