Michelle Blackwell’s Body of Work

blackwellbodycdcoverMichelle Blackwell’sBody of Work is without a doubt probably the most appropriate title for her new released. Because based on the production value, it appears that’s exactly what she has done. Put her whole body into this work.  But that’s not a surprise, because she’s always given that type of performance to her audience.

Along with the available download of the Body of Work CD, which can be obtained at her website (https://michelleblackwellmusic.biz/store), Ms. Blackwell has also presented a visual film treatment to coincide with the entire CD. Each video transition, not only telling her story, but also giving good representation of stories within Go-Go as a whole. This game changing production is not only a must see, but also a very first in the history of Go-Go. And I have to admit that I am pretty ‘syced’ to finally hear a complete production of my personal favorite “Enjoy Myself.”

But hey… don’t just take my word for it, check out for yourself below. And while you’re at it, head on over to her site and grab a copy of the CD.